Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Be Inspired!!!

Stock-boy turned Superbowl MVP Kurt Warner giving the world a High 5 of inspiration

"It's been a long time/I shouldn't 've left you..." -Eric B. & Rakim "I Know You Got Soul"

Happy New Year!!!

It's definitely been quite awhile since the last High 5 Club post (understatement!). 2009 was a period of incredible transition for we High 5 Club representatives, and unfortunately our pet project got the cold shoulder. For those of you have been paying attention though, please blame the neglect on our heads and not our hearts, because the inspiration that the club and blog was built on has never left us. The premise of the High 5 Club (pre- and post hiatus) has been, and will remain a basic channel in which the power of positive energy can be presented, promoted and passed on by it's members to the rest of the world. The catch is, or what's sets the High 5 Club apart from possibly any other platform for positive energy that may exist, is that it's being authored by a couple of Hip Hop fans (hence the Rakim intro) in their late 20's who have learned from each other, music and life overall, how to smile, appreciate life and give each other, friends, family, enemies, strangers and just the world-at-large a nice High 5 every now and again.

in•spi•ra•tion: the action or power of moving the intellect and emotions.

For the last 3 years or so, the little missive above has been one of my email signatures. It was something I came up with, with a little help from Merriam Webster at a period where I was feeling incredibly inspired by some outside source that I felt it should be shared with those who I interact with. Being that it's my own email signature, in the hustle and bustle of thumb-bruising, mobile-messaging (Blackberry), I often forget that it's there. But whenever I take a moment to breathe, let my thumbs rest and scroll down a tad to take a look at it, I'm always overcome with a certain feeling of warmth. Those four little lines of text make me think of and reflect on all the recent moments and instances of inspiration that have occurred in my life and use those thoughts as fuel for the days to come.

I personally tend to find nuggets of inspiration everywhere, in all situations. It may take me sometime to actually understand and process these moments fully at times, but inspiration is ever present in my life. Whether it come from the kind deeds of a stranger, the life story of an elder, the drive and motivation of a public figure towards their goal or just a hello from a friend, I am inspired.

Inspiration of course is often overlooked. We often get so caught up in our on lives, in the moment, in world events: war, a debilitated economy, natural disasters; that we forget to take the time to appreciate the gift that the present is and understand the opportunities that the deeds of others, or even ourselves can provide to us in the form of inspiration. During those moments when we're feeling low, when it seems that all may be lost - knowing that we don't have the monopoly on struggle or hard times, knowing that there are others out there who have been where we've been and are now where we're attempting to go, can provide that shot in the arm necessary to get us through the roughest times.

Although inspiration sometimes comes to us in it's epiphany form, shiny, hovering yellow light bulb and all, it's important that we understand that this moments for most of us are far and few, and that, instead of waiting for inspiration to just strike us in those "AHH HAAA!" moments, that we actively seek it in all that we do. If we begin to feel that our environment or situations that we live, work and play in are rather uninspiring, we should understand these feelings as indicators to consider a change of venue. It is important that we position our lives in such a way that we can receive the positive energy that inspiration provides as well as emit it. It must be understood that inspirations power to move the emotions and intellect are necessary to our life force, and should be regarded as a form of "spiritual respiration" if you will - a power that is as important to your spirit as air is to your breathing.

Just as air is taken in and returned to the atmosphere refined as carbon-dioxide, the energy that is produced by inspiration must be taken in, processed and sent back into the ethers to be used by others. One of the effects of living an inspired life is that through our actions, we in turn inspire others.

As a treat, I'll leave you all with a wiki of the poster-boy of this heading. This man's story has inspired me for years now, and it only keeps getting better. Kurt Warner's story is one that Hollywood screenwriters dream of and is chock full of the qualities that legends are made of. Link

Peace & High Fives!!!

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