It is very easy to want. In 2008, you may want a new job, a better salary, a boyfriend/girlfriend, weight loss, and the list goes on. Your lists of resolutions are things that you want to have or happen. However, do you BELIEVE these things are possible? Do you want to lose weight and think, "Well I lost 10 pounds last year, but gained it all back so what's the point?" With that thought, you cancel out your true desire. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? And yet, at the same time, believe you will not find them easily in the places you frequent? All of the doubts simply cancel out your desire once again. Your wants never get a chance to appear in your life due to your own disbelief.
The quote above from Mark 11:24 is the key to manifesting your true desire. Asking is always simple. Creating the desire for that new job is simple! However, it is the belief that you can have it that can be tricky! Maintain positive thoughts on your quest for a job. Know that you have the skills, intelligence, and motivation for the best opportunity possible! Even in a slow hiring market, all you need is the one interview for a better position! All it takes is ONE company to be hiring with a better salary, better hours, or whatever it is you desire. Yes, you may have days of doubt. You will send hundred of resumes, but the more passion you put behind the belief, the greater the possibility of the job showing up. It has always been said that like attracts like. A positive person with strong desire and belief can only attract what they want! Now ask your God, the universe, or write in a journal what it is you desire. Then, BELIEVE, BELIEVE, BELIEVE!
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